Generac generators are among the most sought-after in central NJ’s residential market for their innovative, durable engine technology. They provide stable power for extended periods without maintenance concerns. The PowerPact® and Guardian® models are air-cooled whereas the Protector® QS series models have liquid-cooled engines. All Guardian® and Protector® QS models come with a 5 year limited warranty (base). The PowerPact® model comes with a standard 3 year warranty.

The table below shows each model’s power output and environmental factors of operation. Other specifications are available here


Photo of Generac generator which is a beige colored steel rectangular box-shape with a slightly domed top. The rightmost panel is vented from about a quarter of the way down from the top edge, all the way to the bottom in a double column. The front panel has a slightly raised vertical rectangle that is centered from the two side edges. In the raised portion, the Generac logo appears in the lower right corner, and is about half as wide as the raised portion.
PowerPact® G00698
a photo of a generac residential generator which is a rectangular chassis with rounded edges and a light tan color. The top panel is a lid that slightly overlaps all side panels. The right side has two columns of vent slits, where each column covers about a third of the width of the panel, and is placed vertically about a quarter of the way down from the lid. The front panel has the generac logo at the bottom right and is about 40% as wide as the front panel. The photo shows a transfer switch in front of the generator to the far left of the image. It is a gray box shaped object that is nearly as tall as the generator, slightly less than half as wide as it is tall, and only about a third as deep as it is wide.
Guardian® Series 10 kW-18 kW
A photo of a generac residential generator from the front view. It shows a light beige bos with a flanged bottom where the flange is angled outward like baseboard moulding. The lid of the bos is open; the lid being as deep as the box and hinged along the rear top edge from the viewer's perspective. the interior of the lid has a silver, reflective sheeting in three adjacent panels with a narrow black frame around each. The generac logo appears at the bottom right of the front panel and takes up about 40% of the width of the panel.
Guardian® Series 20 kW - 24 kW
a photo of a generac residential generator which is a rectangular chassis with rounded edges and a light tan color. The top panel is a lid that slightly overlaps all side panels. The right side has two columns of vent slits, where each column covers about a third of the width of the panel, and is placed vertically about a quarter of the way down from the lid. The front panel has the generac logo at the bottom right and is about 40% as wide as the front panel.
Guardian® Series 26 kW
photo of a generac large residential protector series generator. It is a box shape, set at an angle with the left side in the foreground. The left panel has a small black raised rectangle on the side that is about a fifth of the vertical dimension and about a third of the horizontal dimension. Its bottom edge is set at the horizontal midline of this panel. The left edge is not far from the overall chassis edge or corner most in the background. The front panel has a column of vents about a quarter of the way down from the top edge and not far from the vertical edge most in the foreground - in other words, the left edge of the front panel. This column ends slightly lower than the horizontal midline of the front panel, and is about 1/16th as wide as the front panel. There are three columns very close together, separated from the first column by about a column's width of the unvented chassis panel. These three columns are the same distance from the top edge as the first, but end almost at the bottom of the front panel. Another single column of vents the same shape as these three appears in the same vertical position but horizontally all the way to the right edge of the front panel.
Protector® QS Series 22 kW - 38 kW

Rated Output Wattage (Propane / Natural Gas)

7.5 kW / 6 kW

10 kW / 9 kW
14 kW 14 kW
18 kW / 17 kW

20 kW / 18 kW
22 kW 19.5 kW
24 kW / 21 kW

26 kW / 22.5 kW

22 kW / 22 kW
27 kW 25 kW
32 kW / 32 kW
38 kW / 38 kW

Rated Amperage
(Propane / Natural Gas)

31.25 / 25

41.7 / 37.5
58.3 / 58.3
75 / 70.8

70.8 / 70.8
91.7 /  81.3
100 / 87.5

108.3 / 93.8

(At 240 V single phase)
92 kW / 92 kW
113 kW 104 kW
133 kW / 133 kW
158 kW / 158 kW

Operating Noise Volume

69 dB

61 dB
65 dB
65 dB

67 dB
67 dB
67 dB

67 dB

70 dB
70 dB
64 dB
64 dB

Temperature (°C/ °F)

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Maximum Wind Speed Rating of Enclosure (mph)





not given

For demanding commercial applications, Generac offers its liquid-cooled Protector® and Protector® QS series. The QS models feature the same powerful engine as the standard Protector® series but include noise-reducing enclosures, making them ideal for quieter operation in central NJ’s population-dense areas. These generators deliver utility-grade, stable power for long periods with minimal maintenance. For lighter commercial needs, larger models from the Guardian® series are a reliable choice. All Guardian® and Protector® models include a 5-year limited base warranty.

The table below shows the power output and environmental factors of operation for one model of many in each series. For information on all models, see the specifications available here


A photo of a generac residential generator from the front view. It shows a light beige bos with a flanged bottom where the flange is angled outward like baseboard moulding. The lid of the bos is open; the lid being as deep as the box and hinged along the rear top edge from the viewer's perspective. the interior of the lid has a silver, reflective sheeting in three adjacent panels with a narrow black frame around each. The generac logo appears at the bottom right of the front panel and takes up about 40% of the width of the panel.
Guardian® Series 20 kW - 24 kW
a photo of a generac residential generator which is a rectangular chassis with rounded edges and a light tan color. The top panel is a lid that slightly overlaps all side panels. The right side has two columns of vent slits, where each column covers about a third of the width of the panel, and is placed vertically about a quarter of the way down from the lid. The front panel has the generac logo at the bottom right and is about 40% as wide as the front panel.
Guardian® Series 26 kW
photo of a generac large residential protector series generator. It is a box shape, set at an angle with the left side in the foreground. The left panel has a small black raised rectangle on the side that is about a fifth of the vertical dimension and about a third of the horizontal dimension. Its bottom edge is set at the horizontal midline of this panel. The left edge is not far from the overall chassis edge or corner most in the background. The front panel has a column of vents about a quarter of the way down from the top edge and not far from the vertical edge most in the foreground - in other words, the left edge of the front panel. This column ends slightly lower than the horizontal midline of the front panel, and is about 1/16th as wide as the front panel. There are three columns very close together, separated from the first column by about a column's width of the unvented chassis panel. These three columns are the same distance from the top edge as the first, but end almost at the bottom of the front panel. Another single column of vents the same shape as these three appears in the same vertical position but horizontally all the way to the right edge of the front panel.
Protector® QS Series 22 kW - 38 kW
photo of a generac large residential protector series generator. It is a box shape, set at an angle with the left side in the foreground. The left panel has a small black raised rectangle on the side that is about a fifth of the vertical dimension and about a third of the horizontal dimension. Its bottom edge is set at the horizontal midline of this panel. The left edge is not far from the overall chassis edge or corner most in the background. The front panel has a column of vents about a quarter of the way down from the top edge and not far from the vertical edge most in the foreground - in other words, the left edge of the front panel. This column ends slightly lower than the horizontal midline of the front panel, and is about 1/16th as wide as the front panel. There are three columns very close together, separated from the first column by about a column's width of the unvented chassis panel. These three columns are the same distance from the top edge as the first, but end almost at the bottom of the front panel. Another single column of vents the same shape as these three appears in the same vertical position but horizontally all the way to the right edge of the front panel.
Protector® Series 25 kW - 60 kW
Protector® Series 60 kW - 150 kW

Rated Output Wattage (Propane / Natural Gas)

20 kW / 18 kW
22 kW 19.5 kW
24 kW / 21 kW

26 kW / 22.5 kW

22 kW / 22 kW
27 kW 25 kW
32 kW / 32 kW
38 kW / 38 kW

25 kW / 25 kW
30 kW 30 kW
36 kW / 36 kW
45 kW / 45 kW
60 kW / 60 kW

96 kW 96 kW
130 kW / 130 kW
134 kW / 144 kW

Rated Amperage
(Propane / Natural Gas)

70.8 / 70.8
91.7 /  81.3
100 / 87.5

108.3 / 93.8

(At 240 V, single phase)
92 / 92 
113 / 104 
133 / kW
158 / kW

(At 240 V, single phase)
104 / 104 
125 / 125 
150 / 150 
188 / 188 
250 / 250 

(At 240 V, single phase)
400 / 400 
542 / 542
558 / 600 

Operating Noise Volume

69 dB

61 dB
65 dB
65 dB

67 dB
67 dB
67 dB
67 dB

72 dB
73 dB
70 dB
72 dB
73 dB

70 dB
75 dB
80 dB

Temperature (°C/ °F)

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Cold Weather Kit for areas that go below 0°C/ 32°F

Maximum Wind Speed Rating of Enclosure (mph)



not given

not given

not given