Diesel Fuel Maintenance
Using the right grade of diesel fuel is half the battle to keep your standby generator running reliably. Ensuring this fuel stays contaminant-free and knowing when it has degraded past its usable point are equally, if not more important.
Long-term fuel storage can degrade diesel after only 6 months and make it unusable after only a year. Also, algae, other microorganisms, water and debris can all make your stored fuel harmful to your generator engine. That is why we adhere to a strict diesel maintenance process. This process protects your system and extends your fuel life giving you maximum ROI.
Our Rigorous Fuel Maintenance Process
We protect your standby generator system through these three meticulous steps.
Step one: Fuel Treatment
We add fuel stabilizers and treatments that: slow fuel degradation, lubricate to prevent internal engine wear, fight microorganism growth, prevent gelling in cold weather, and increase cetane levels.
Step two: Fuel Testing
This step is required for all systems that must comply with NFPA 110 fire prevention requirements. We check for water intrusion, gelling, flash point, cloud points, and verify cetane levels and the fuel distillation curve.
Step three: Fuel polishing
This step removes water and sediment from your fuel tank and filters out contaminants. We highly recommend this more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to replacing fuel.
Learn More...
See our library of helpful resources to learn more about diesel fuel maintenance.