Load Bank Testing Service
Our load bank testing service tests your power protection system and its components under load conditions without risking the essential circuits attached to it. Merely starting your generator’s engine during maintenance testing is insufficient. Our load bank testing puts demands on your power protection system in a controlled environment, assuring that it will run when those essential circuits need it.
What are the Benefits of Load Bank testing
Whether your system is residential or commercial, load bank testing offers many advantages. Call us or schedule a test today.
Identify issues before they harm your system
During a load bank test, we identify potential system issues early on. This lets us know of needed repairs before they cause harm. Test results let us know the engine’s ability to deliver the necessary power, ensure the alternator provides stable voltage and frequency, and evaluate the control system under different load conditions. Once we identify the results, we can work with you to perform the recommended maintenance.
Keep Diesel Generators Operating at Peak Efficiency
Commercial diesel generators that sit idle too long will run under peak temperatures and incompletely burn fuel (a problem known as wet-stacking). Periodically running these engines under full load using a load bank avoids this problem and extends the generator’s life.
Meet emergency generator testing requirements
Generators that provide backup power for critical operations such as emergency command centers must meet mandated requirements. Monthly load bank testing is part of fulfilling these systems’ requirements.
Learn more...
See our library of helpful resources to learn more about load bank testing. This article further explains this type of testing and its advantages.